Credit Assessment and Credit Ranking of the Companies

Credit Assessment and Credit Ranking of the Companies
By definition, this process includes assessment of a company regarding its ability to obtain loans and financial assistance as well as assessment of the company’s potentiality regarding returning or defaulting the so called loans. Across the globe, such evaluations are conducted periodically by banks and credit bureaus. The results of such evaluations along with the credit ranking of the company are the determining factors regarding quantifying the loan, interest rate and the required collateral. The three institutions of S&P, Fitch and Moody’s, taking advantage of their own models, are the most well acknowledged of such institutions worldwide.
Techchi, taking advantage of its own advanced model, embarks on conducting credit assessment and credit ranking of companies. The findings of the credit assessment and ranking would merit the managers in various ways, for instance, the managers become well-informed of a company’s financial status. Credit assessments and a companies’ credit ranking are widely used by banks, credit institutions, or, say, foundations in order to determine the credit status of their legal entities as well as the corresponding credit ceiling, interest rate and the required collateral. The rankings obtained by Techchi will be valid for a period of one year after which they need to be reconsidered.

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